Angle - Bootstrap Admin Template

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Angle - Bootstrap Admin Template

Angle - Responsive Bootstrap Admin Template

Admin Template for Angular2, AngularJS, ReactJS, Static HTML5/jQuery, Material Design, MVC5/, Ruby on Rails Meteor JS and Meanjs

Angle admin template is a web dashboard application based on Bootstrap and multiple frameworks. All components included in this dashboard template has been developed to bring all the potential of HTML5 and Bootstrap plus a set of new features (JS and CSS) ideal for your next dashboard admin theme or admin web app project.
Angle can be used in any type of web applications dashboard: Single Page Application (SPA), project management system, ecommerce admin dashboard, CMS, CRM, SAAS, help desk; for personal and business purposes.
This package contains admin projects based on Angular2, AngularJs (1.x) and HTML5/jQuery (non angularjs) to choice the best dashboard solution to fit your project needs. Among multiple project of the admin dashboard application using modern and popular frameworks like Angular Material Design, MVC5, ASP.NET CORE, Ruby on Rails, ReactJS, Meteor JS and Mean JS
Includes the Landing page to quickly build a frontend for your app,
Angle has been written using classical and modern languages for each project's needs: CSS/LESS/SASS/HTML/PUG(jade)
Modular JavaScript to work in a structured manner following best practices and organized by modules.
The source code is well organized and uncompressed with comments for quick reference.
Updates and Support
After downloading this package you will get frequently Updates and Support absolutely for FREE!

Angular2 version is based on the latest version of the popular framework from Google. It's currently included a pre full-features version. This version includes the all standard features to start building an app with the template styles and structure plus a set of features to put hands on what angular2 now provides.
Plugins included are mainly Angular2 native modules, not just wrappers for classic jQuery plugins.
  • Angular-cli for project management (webpack bundles)
  • LazyLoad modules and AOT (Ahead of Time) support
  • includes command line generators
  • provides build and serve commands for development, test and production environments
  • Components communication via services
  • App modularized (App, Layout, Core, Shared and Routes components)
  • TypeScript (es6+) and SASS (scss) styles
  • Angular Router
  • Unit and e2e testing
  • Coded with Style Guide
  • Translation (i18n)
  • ng2Bootstrap (for bootstrap3)
  • 3rd party features like toaster, fullscreen, modernizr, font icons, etc

AngularJS (1.x) version

AngularJS has as main advantage that you can separate your dashboard or admin web application into views and load them separately, keeping the site source lightweight and modular. In a single page application, the index just loads with a few tags and assets, the rest is handled by the AngularJS application.

ReactJS version

A Javascript library for building user interfaces. Independent from your technology stack, a simpler programming model and reactive data flow. This project includes web bundle with Webpack for development and production environments, routing with react-router and hot-reload for easy update of module states in development stage.
The React version includes the following features
  • Component-based
  • PubSub for components communications
  • JSX (es6) and SASS languages
  • Gulp tasks for build and serve (development and production)
  • Webpack with webpack-dev-server and hot-reload
  • React Bootstrap
  • React Router

HTML5/jQuery version

Angle admin template also includes a static HTML with jQuery version for easy integration with other frameworks. The best option for the old school web developers!

Angular Material Design

The Angular Material admin project is an implementation of Material Design in Angular.js. This project provides a set of reusable, well-tested, and accessible dashboard UI components based on the Material Design system. Material Design is a specification for a unified system of visual, motion, and interaction design that adapts across different devices and different screen sizes.


MEAN.JS is a full-stack JavaScript solution that helps you build fast, robust and maintainable production web applications and dashboards using MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, and Node.js. This version is ready to work with LESS, modular JavaScript and Swig templates. It also supports translation and LazyLoad assets; featuring Yeoman that will make your MEAN application development easier and way more fun.

Ruby on Rails

This admin theme includes a Ruby on Rails dashboard application ready to use with modular JavaScript and SASS stylesheets. Developed to serve assets per controller to avoid bloating view with unnecessary requests.
It is also ready to deploy to Heroku with just one change.


The dashboard version included for MVC 5/6 has been developed using Visual Studio 2013/2015. It includes modular JavaScript and all assets bundle to easy include on each view only what is necessary. VS 2015 also has support for Gulp source files compilation with SASS and modularJS. This project also includes a basic Entity using the theme components.
MVC6 project is based on ASP.NET Core 1.0

Meteor JS

Meteor is a complete open source platform for building web and mobile apps in pure JavaScript. We have also included the package Angular-Meteor that combines the transformative power of Angular and the easy to manage Meteor framework.

Seed Projects and Documentation

All versions include Seed projects, an application skeleton for a typical web app that you can use to quickly bootstrap your next dashboard, admin panel or web app projects and development environment.
Each version also includes their respective documentation to help you start easily with your next project. AngularJS online documentation is just a reference, a more complete and updated one is included for offline usage in the package.

Bower dependencies

Bower is a dependency manager for the web. It will save lot of time downloading and keeping each package updated to its last version. For Non Bower user, Angle has an exclusive vendor management system that makes Bower absolutely optional, so you can drop your own assets manually without need to deal with external tools.

Demo - Download



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